研究了异形竖板降膜蒸发器浓缩耐温淀粉酶溶液时的传热性能 ,得出了传热系数与蒸发温度、单位周边流量、传热温差和酶液浓度之间的实验关联式 ,分析了一些主要因素对传热性能的影响 ,并与管式降膜蒸发器的传热性能进行了比较。研究结果表明 ,异形竖板降膜蒸发器具有良好的传热性能 ,优于管式降膜蒸发器 。
The evaporating characteristics of a dimpled vertical plate falling film evaporator in concentrating termamyl liquid was studied compared with a tubular falling film evaporator The experimental connected formula related to the volumetric flow rate per unit wetted width,enzyme concentration,heat transfer temperature difference and vapor temperature was obtained Some factors effected on the heat transfer coefficient were analysed The results indicated that the heat transfer coefficient in the dimpled vertical plate evaporator was higher than that in the tubular falling film evaporator The dimpled vertical plate evaporator was fit for the evaporation of active material
Food and Machinery
天津市自然科学基金资助项目!项目编号97360 531 1