针对地质信息网络化进程中信息共享与交换方面存在的某些问题 ,提出了在信息使用中数据源和客户端使用者之间建立基于 XML 的地质信息共享与交换网络服务层的思路 ,并对网络服务层的概念和优点进行阐述 ,通过程序代码和简单注释说明使用 XML技术的实现方案和方法。
Information is the most bright characteristic of our age. The computer network is one of the most important info transmitted media. This paper briefly introduces the computerization networked geologic information process and its development status. During years geologist had made high progress on the geological information sharing and exchanging. But the traditional C/S structure network has the bottleneck which buffle the geophysical data processing and interpretation. In the paper the author proposes the concept of XML based information sharing and exchanging model and discusses the realization of the model. The main source codes and their concise explanations are also given. Some problems must be solved are proposed.
Contributions to Geology and Mineral Resources Research