苏州市民营科技企业经过十余年的发展 ,正在成为苏州实现经济结构调整和经济增长方式根本转变的重要新兴力量。但发展中的苏州民营科技企业 ,也存在着发展速度慢、规模小、管理人才欠缺和未形成优势产业等问题。解决这些问题的对策 ,最主要的是 :营造鼓励民营科技企业发展的良好外部环境 ;建立和健全促进民营科技企业迅速发展的内部机制 ;
After the ten-year development, Suzhou private-owned high-tech enterprises have been becoming an important factor in the readjustment of Suzhou economic structure and in the fundamental changes of the economic growth modes. But there exist such problems as slow growth rate, modest scale, lack of management personnel, and absence of dominating enterprises. The main solution to these problems is to build up a good external environment in which private-owned enterprises are encouraged to develop; to set up and perfect the internal system to promote the rapid growth of these enterprises; and to do service work better.
Journal of Suzhou Railway Teachers College(Social Science Edition)