和平与发展仍将是 2 1世纪的两大主题 ,也是各国人民的共同愿望。历史和现实告诉我们 ,要想在 2 1世纪实现世界各国人民追求和平与发展的共同愿望 ,首先要认识到国际法是维护世界和平与促进发展的重要法律工具。其次 ,要维护世界和平 ,就要坚持国际法中和平共处五项基本原则。再次 ,促进共同发展也要坚持国际法的基本原则。最后 ,为更好地发挥国际法在维护世界和平与促进共同发展中的作用 ,就要充分重视和发挥联合国的作用 。
Peace and development are the two major themes in the 21st century,and the common wish of all peoples.History and reality tell us that international law is an important tool in guaranteeing peace and development.To maintain world peace we must hold on to the five basic principles of peaceful co_existence in the international law.To promote conmon development we must also uphold the basic principles of international law.Finally,for the successful implementation of international law me must respect the role of the United Nations and abide by its aim and principles.
Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)