内部人控制是与现代企业两权分离相伴随的一种客观现象。而在我国过渡时期的经济环境中 ,经营者在国有企业双重目标经营下形成了一种以追求内部人控制为取向的偏好行为。本文认为内部人控制偏好是我国国有企业改革中的独有现象和主要障碍。企业内部治理结构不健全 ,外部环境制约弱化及经营者的利益驱动是其形成的主要原因 ,而要解决这一问题 ,必须从公司治理机制的改善 。
Inside control is an objective phenomenon with the management being separated from the ownership .In our nation it is state-owned firm's double-aim in transition economy that leads to manager's prefer ence to pursue inside control. We believe that insider control preference is a unique phenomenon and major obstruction in the reform of state-owned firms. The reasons that lead to this phenomenon are the defect of corporate governance, the restrain-weaken of the economic circumstance outsider the firm, and manager's profit-pursuing. In order to get rid of it ,we must better the corporate governance inside firms, develop managing circumstance outside firms ,and improve the managers' qualities.
Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)