以里氏木霉 (Trichodermareesei)为产酶菌株 ,杂细胞为产酶诱导物 ,通过固态发酵生产纤维素酶。研究结果表明 :杂细胞、稻草粉、麸皮三者之比为 2∶4∶4,氮源为硫酸铵 (总氮量为 0 4% ) ,料水比为 1∶2 ,2 8~ 30℃恒温培养5d ,为最佳产酶条件 ,CMC酶活达 5 16 6 4IU/g干曲。在培养基中添加 0 1%的表面活性剂Tween 80对产酶无显著影响。纤维素酶作用的最适 pH4 85、温度 5 0℃。
Cellulase production was carried out by solid state fermentation with Trichoderma reesei when the Parenchyma cell was used for inducers. The results show that the optimum conditions of producing cellulase are: the proportion of parenchyma cell to straw to wheat bran is 2∶4∶4, the nitrogen is (NH 4) 2SO 4, the water amount of medium is 200%, the temperature is 30℃ and the time is 5 days, in the solid state medium of parenchyma cell, straw powder and wheat bran. The CMCase is as high as 516 64IU/g dry koji. Tween 80 gives a little contribution to CMC ase. The optimal conditions for enzyme action are: pH4 85, 50℃.
Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University