称取萆薢粉 1200 g经甲醇提取后,按每克萆薢粉加蒸馏水 7 mL制成水剂。用高蛋白、高钙高蛋白日粮从23日龄起饲喂红白粉商品代鸡,定期随机抽样20只,翅静脉采血,测定血液尿酸、钙、磷含量,观察临床症状,进行病理学检查。试验表明,高钙、高蛋白日粮能引起鸡痛风。将用高钙、高蛋白日粮复制的83日龄红白粉商品代痛风鸡 30只,随机分为 5组,每组6只,E组为对照.A、B、C、D组每日饮水中分别深加 39. 9,35. 7,31. 5,27. 3 mL萆薢水剂,每天采血测定血液尿酸、钙、磷含量,用药后 10 d剖检观察。结果用药组血液尿酸含量显著低于对照组,差异极显著(P<0.01).钙、磷含量与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05)。萆薢水剂的用药理想剂量为每只5.25 mL/d,相当用原药萆薢粉0.75 g/d。
The rhizoma dioscoreae colletii was extracted with ethanol. The does according 1 g rhizoma dioscoreae colletii added 7 mL water to prepare water agent. Ninty 23-day-old chicks were giver high phosphorus,high calcium and high phosphorus diets. Blood samples of 20 chickens selected randomly were collected from plumage vein at specific time. The contents of uric acid,serum calcium and phosphorus were determined. The clinical symptoms and pathological changes were also observed. The results showed that high phosphorus and high calcium diets can cause chicken gout. The gout chicks were divided into 5 groups randomly,6 chicks in each group. A,B,C,D group were added 39. 9 mL. 35. 7 mL.32. 5 mL.27. 3 mL prepared water agent in drink water every day respectivly,group E as control. Blood samples were collected from plumage vein every day. The contents of uric acid serum calcium and phosphorus were determined. Ten days later the pathological were observed. The result showed that the contents of uric acid in groups A, B, C and D were significant lower than group E (P<0. 01 ), but uric acid and phosphorus were no significant difference among five groups (P<O. 05). The best does of rhizoma dioscoreae colletii water agent was 5. 25 mL/d for every chicken,equivalent to 0. 75 g/d rhizoma dioscoreae colletii.
Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)