饮用水处理的一项关键工艺流程是活性炭吸附。我们采用MTT比色法 ,对五种国产活性炭吸附饮用水中毒性物质的处理效果进行了比较。结果表明 :与未经活性炭处理的 6号水样的水质相比 ,活性炭被使用 1.5a后 ,处理 1号水样所用的活性炭仍有一定的吸附作用 ;处理 5号、2号和 3号水样所用的活性炭基本上已失去了其吸附作用 ;对 4号水样所用活性炭的处理效果应进一步研究。
The adsorption with activated carbon is one of the key technological processes for treating drinking water. The effects of treating the toxicant in drinking water with the five kinds of China made activated carbon have been compared by using MTT colorimetry. The results show that compared with the water quality of water sample No.7 which had not been treated with activated carbon,after the activated carbon have been used for 1.5 years,the activated carbon being used to treat water sapmle No.1 still retains some adsorption function.But the activated carbon being used to treat water samples No.5,2 and 3 loses its adsorption function. The effects of activated carbon being used to treat water sample No.4 should be studied further.
Industrial Water Treatment
北京市自然科学基金!资助项目 (8982 0 12 )