
意大利蜜蜂胚后发育的观察与研究 被引量:5

Investigation on Postembryonic Growth of Apis mellifera L.
摘要 在安徽江淮地区 ,意大利蜜蜂胚后发育期 :蜂王平均为 1 5.3 8d( 3 55~ 3 76h) ,工蜂平均为 2 0 .4 9d( 477~ 4 98h) ,雄蜂平均为 2 3 .87d ( 560~ 583 h) ;周年季节 (春、夏、秋 )不同 ,意大利蜜蜂三型蜂的胚后发育历期存在差异。意大利蜜蜂初生重蜂王平均为 2 3 1 .8mg,工蜂平均为 1 0 9.3 mg,雄蜂平均为 1 89.5mg。意大利蜜蜂受精卵与未受精卵的外部形态无明显差异 ;未封盖幼虫期 ,由于 3日龄后幼虫食料的改变 ,造成三型分化和幼虫生长发育的差异 ;封盖子期分为封盖幼虫期和蛹期 ,复眼、腹节、螫针、绒毛的出现与变化是蛹期的重要特征 ;未封盖幼虫期与前蛹期虫体生长发育经过 5次蜕皮。 In Jianghui region of Anhui province,the postembryonic growth period and weight of Apis mellifera L.were as follows:The queen was 15 38 days (355~376 h) and 231 8 mg,the worker bee was 20 49 days (477~498 h) and 109 3 mg and the drone was 23 87 days (560~583 h) and 189 5 mg,respectively.With the changes of anniversary seasons,the postembryonic growth course of three types of Apis mellifera L.existed differently.No siginificant defference of external form was found between zygotes and non zygotes.In larve period without closing cell,the difference of three types of differentiation and larva's growth existed due to the change at forage.The appearance and change of compocind eyes,abdominal jiont,sting and fine hair were important characteristics of worm stage.In larva stage without closing and early worm stage,bee grew with five ecdysises.
出处 《安徽农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期156-160,共5页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural University
基金 安徽省教育厅自然科学基金项目!( 96JL0 1 3 7)
关键词 意大利蜜蜂 胚后发育 发育日程 Apis mellifera L. postembryonic growth
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