以艾维茵肉鸡为实验对象 ,研究了血清环核苷酸与肉鸡内分泌及免疫功能的关系。结果表明 ,以传染性法氏囊病病毒 ( IBDV)强毒株攻击后 ,肉鸡垂体 -肾上腺轴活动加强 ,并发生针对 IBDV的特异性免疫反应 ,血清 c AMP与 c GMP含量均上升 ,但 c AMP/ c GMP比值保持稳定 ,提示垂体 -肾上腺轴活动加强使c AMP上升与抗 IBDV特异性免疫细胞内效应大分子的合成有关 ,而 c AMP/ c GMP比值的稳定则是保持一种高阈平衡 ,以维持内环境的稳态。由于 IBDV强毒株破坏了机体免疫系统 ,未经 IBDV疫苗免疫的肉鸡c AMP、抗 IBDV抗体和 IL-2的上升幅度均比经 IBDV疫苗免疫的肉鸡小。
Avain broilers were used as experimental objects to study the relationship between the serum cyclic neucleotide and endocrine and immunity.The results showed that after infection with virulent infectious bursal disease virus(IBDV),the pituitary adrenal axis and immune system were activated,serum cAMP and cGMP increased while cAMP/cGMP remained unchanged indicating that the activation of pituitary adrenal axis and increase of cAMP concentration results in the production of specific molecules in specific immune cells and the unchanged cAMP/cGMP would maintain the homeostasis.The serum cAMP,IL 2 and antibody against IBDV in the broilers not immunized with IBDV vaccine were less than in immunized broilers suggesting that IBDV infection may hurt the immune system.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science