当前经济出现了转机 ,从国内需求、国际收支、通胀指标、劳动就业等方面看 ,经济在好转。但需求不足、结构不合理、体制不合理还是存在的突出问题。政策推动、拉动需求增长、改革调整、稳定的国际经济格局都是经济发展好的原因。要把握政策方向 ,需把发展作为主题 ,结构调整作为主线 ,把体制创新、改革开放和科技创新作为动力。
From the points of view of domestic demands, international payment balance, inflation indexes and employment, China's economy has turned for the better now. Such factors as policy promotion, demand increasing, reform and adjusting, and stable international economy contribute to the improvement of China's economy. We should master the direction of economic policy, regard development as major objective, take structure adjustment as main way, and regard the innovations of system, science and technology as well as Reform and Opening as motive force.
Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences