利用振荡流水槽在以下两种约束条件下 ,研究波浪作用下直接铺设于砂质海底的管道失稳临界条件 :1)管道两端自由 ;2 )管道可水平、垂直自由运动 ,但滚动受到限制。试验结果表明 ,管重无量纲数G与管道失稳的临界Fr数之间大致呈线性关系 ,而当G超过一定数值时 ,管道是侧向稳定的。管道的约束条件、砂床特性和加载速度对管道稳定性均有影响。
The critical instability conditions of pipeline directly installed on seabed have been investigated in a U shape oscillating water tunnel.And two kinds of constraints are used:1) The pipeline is free; 2)the motion of pipeline is free in horizontal and vertical directions,but its rolling is restricted.Test results show that the critical Fr inducing pipeline instability is linear with dimensionless pipeline weight parameter( G ),and that when G is bigger than a special value,the pipeline will be laterally stable and tend to be buried by sand.Furthermore,the constraint condition,sand property and loading velocity all affect the pipeline stability to a certain degree.
The Ocean Engineering
国家自然科学基金!资助项目 ( 19772 0 5 7
19772 0 65 )
中科院重大项目!资助课题 (KZ95 1-A1-4 0 5 -0 1)