对橡胶树炭疽病发生和流行的调查、观察结果表明,病菌越冬场所广泛,其寄主带菌率高( 40%~100%)。一年中只要抽嫩叶病菌都可以侵染为害,在橡胶树抽第一蓬叶时遇上雨天高湿环境病害就可流行。分析粤西地区20 a资料发现,嫩叶期间的雨日和>90%RH的天数、嫩叶期长短、嫩叶期寒潮(11~15℃)的天数及最低温度在11℃以下的天数与病害流行密切相关。嫩叶期间的雨日和>90%RH的天数是病害流行的主导因素,低温阴雨天气是加速病害发展的重要条件。
Investigation and observation of the epidemic process of anthracnose (Collectotrichum gloeosporioides) of rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis) showed that the pathogen could winter in most of parts of the host with a large amount of inocula. The epidemiological process of this disease consisted of three stages: onset, outbreak and decline. There were two epidemic patterns, sudden and undulate pattern in different places in various years. Analysis of the data Of 20 years in the west of Cuangdong Province revealed that the epidemic was closely related with the factors, i.e. days of raining and RH>90 % during the period of tender leaves, the days of the tender leaves period, the days of cold wave lasted during the period of tender leaves and the days of the temperature<11℃. The days of raining and RH>90 % during the period of tender leaves were the prevailing factors for the occurrence of the disease. Successive wet days and low temperature were the most important factors for accelerating the disease development.
Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops