该文提出了一种可以进行分户供热和分户计量热量的供热系统形式 ,阐述了利用热水表进行供热量计量的理论依据和实施办法。尤其这一热量计量的方法还造就了一个按量调节方式运行的热网系统 ,客观上为该系统采用无级变速泵技术 ,进一步节约能量和全面提高集中供热系统的技术经济效益创造了条件。图 5参
The paper suggests a system which supplies heat to different customers, and with which the quantity consumed by each customer can be separately gauged with the help of hot water meters. The paper explains its theoretical principle and also a practical way of realizing it. The method moreover provides a way of quantitatively regulating a heat network and a possibility of energy saving and raising the overall technical economical proceeds of centralized heat supply networks by using continuous as speed regulation of pumps. Figs 5 and refs 2
Power Equipment