介绍了成都三环路西五段 A标成黄路口市政深沟槽横穿已埋地下管线 ,采用窄槽开挖 ,窄槽边坡加固用喷锚网支护的设计与施工技术方法 ,通过沟槽边坡变形监测反馈于设计并指导施工获得了成功 ,为市政深沟槽跨越类似管线积累了丰富的设计与施工经验。
The article intrduces that in the construction of the 5th section of Chengdu third circle road(bit A),the exisited underground pipes cross over the trench,to secure the pipes,a method of narrow excavation were adopted,and to support the slope of the trench,anchor gunited supporting were adopted.The project was proved to be successful,and the experiences are benifit to the similar projects.
Sichuan Building Science