
生物过滤氧化反应器处理生活污水中试研究 被引量:3

Pilot Study on BIOFOR for Domestic Wastewater Treatment
摘要 以生活污水为处理对象 ,研究了生物过滤氧化反应器 (BIOFOR)在高滤速、高负荷、小的气水比情况下 ,用非常短的水力停留时间 (6 0~ 80min) ,取得了很好的出水水质的机理 ,主要水质指标 (COD、BOD、SS、氨氮 )可达到国家《污水综合排放标准》或《生活杂用水水质标准》。同时探讨了滤速及容积负荷对出水水质的影响 ,分析了主要污染物的去除规律。 This study used BIOFOR (Biological Filtration Oxygenated Reactor) to treat domestic wastewater in condition of high filtration velocity, high organic load and short hydraulic retention time. The quality of effluent was good and the main pollutants (COD, BOD, SS, NH 3-N) met the national wastewater discharge standards or water reuse standards. Meanwhile the effect of hydraulic and organic loading on effluent was studied and the main pollutants removal orders were analyzed.
出处 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期42-45,共4页 Water & Wastewater Engineering
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