颇受众人瞩目的几家大型网站在相当简单的计算机攻击面前几乎瘫痪 ,数字经济的心脏也因此受到重大打击。它给网络安全敲响了警钟。这一系列事件表明了因特网特有的弱点 ,那就是信息服务在几小时之内就可以被不露面的黑客从根本上摧毁。本文通过对黑客攻击手法的分析研究 ,指出了我国信息建设中的安全隐患 ,并提出“技术 +产品 +策略 +管理”
It was only the simple attack of the computer that made a few quite well-known network sites almost paralysis . and it also beated the heart of the digital economy . The attack knolls the alarm bell of the network secure . These events points out the own weakness of the Internet , ——It is the faceless hacker can destroy the information service within few hours . The article analyse the technique of hacker , find out the hidden trouble of the Info construction in our country . give out the Info secure model and policy : Tech + Product + Policy + Manage [
Library Development