改进计划生育宣传教育 ,建设新型生育文化是当前工作中的新课题。部分基层单位的工作现状说明 ,计划生育宣传教育工作中还存在着领导重视不够、投入不足、宣教内容形式不适应需要、宣传工作不深入细致、相关部门参与不够等问题。据此认为 ,应切实在创新传播机制、提升宣传的科技含量和品位、营造氛围、形成合力、加大投入。
It is indicated in the article that as building up a new fertility culture is the new project in current work it is necessary to improve the family planning publicity and education at the grassroots level so as to respond to the project, and accordingly more attention should be paid to such tasks as renewing the transmitting mechanics, intensifying the content of science and standard of diffusion, providing with suitable atmosphere, strengthening the cooperation, increasing the investment and enhancing the testing system.
Journal of Nanjing College for Population Programme Management