现代企业制度的基本特征之一是所有权与经营权的分离。两权分离将出现“内部人控制”问题。通过对“内部人控制”产生的原因及背景分析 ,认为在建立现代企业制度 ,进行公司制改革时 ,国有企业应从以下 5个方面防止“内部人控制” :1)解决国有股自身代理问题 ,使国有资产所有者代表真正到位 ;2 )规范与完善公司治理结构 ;3)形成一套有效的激励机制 ;4)培育经理市场 ,形成竞争机制 ;5 )建立、健全破产机制和兼并机制以约束经营者。从而使经营者 (内部人 )朝股东价值和股东财富最大化方向努力 ,实现国有资产的保值和增值。
One of the basic features of the modern enterprise system is that the management power is separated from the ownership right, which brings about “insider control”. On the basis of analysing the reason and background of “insider control”, we point out that the “insider control” must be prevented in five aspects in the reform of state owned enterprises′: Firstly to resolve the problem of the agent of the state owned share. Secondly to perfect the corporate governance structure. Thirdly to form a set of effective incentive mechanism. Fourthly to nurture a competitory manager market. Fifth to establish and perfect the law about bankruptcy and merger to bind the managers so that the managers can work hard to get their rewards and the stockholders can get maximum wealth profits or returns.
Social Science Journal For Central South University of Technology