针对我国中小企业面临融资渠道单一、贷款难度大等一系列融资难题 ,在说明了流动资金的重要性的基础上 ,通过对企业和票据市场两方面的现状的分析 ,认为票据市场作为流动资金的重要融资渠道应大力发展 ;同时指出目前我国票据市场发展存在着诸如交易量小、金融工具单一、票据欺诈现象时有发生等一些不足之处 ,从金融机构和企业两方面相应提出建议 ,以期有助于建立一个完善的票据市场促进中小企业发展。
As a major composite part of our national economy, small and middle sized enterprises are confronted with a series of financing problems such as unitary financing channel, difficult acquirement of loans. Combining the conditions of our small and middle sized enterprises, through an analysis of the papers market as a tie between the material market and financial market and its development, this article it aims to draw the conclusion: we should make great efforts to develop the papers market as an important financing channel. Meanwhile, some deficiencies in our papers market are pointed out: small amount of transaction, single financial tools as well as paper swindle. Accordingly it makes several suggestions on establishing an ideal papers market to improve the growth of small and middle sized enterprises from the perspective of both financial institutions and enterprises.
Social Science Journal For Central South University of Technology