五邑大学建校 15年来,向社会输送 8000余名本、专科毕业生。 2000年学校进行了全面的毕业生社会评价调查,调查显示:五邑大学的办学思路是正确的,所培养的人才质量是经得起社会检验的。通过调查,也发现了办学过程中的不足,这有利于学校加大教改力度,不断改进、完善人才培养方案,为社会培养更多优秀人才。
Ever since it was founded 15 years ago, Wuyi University has cultivated more than 8000 students with their bachelor and associate degrees for the society. In the year of 2000, the school researched on the social evaluation of its graduated students. It reveals that the guideline of Wuyi University is right and the students trained are proof - test. Meanwhile, there are still some deficiencies found in the investigation. The deficiencies, however, will be helpful for the school as it learns from mistakes in order to increase strength of teaching reform, perfect the students training project, and cultivate more people with ability to meet the society's needs.
Journal of Wuyi University(Social Sciences Edition)