农商部地质研究所的创办是中国系统开展近代地质学教育之始 ,被外国学者誉为“中国科学上第一次光彩”。该所培养了中国地质学界许多杰出人才 ,为中国地质学发展奠定了第一基石。根据史料考证 ,该所是 1 91 3年 7月在北京、上海两地招生 ,共录取学生正选 2 7名、备选 9名 ,于 1 0月 1日开学。作者还对 1 91 6年该所结业时 ,2 2名学生每人的具体结果 ,以及翁文灏到所任教时间等问题 ,提出自己的见解。
The foundation of the Institute of Geology under the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce in 1913 marks the start of geological education in China.As a school for geology,the Institute of Geology trained the first group of Chinese geologists in China.This paper is a textual research about the number of students matriculated by the institute,the time for its term to begin,the results of its graduates and so on.
China Historical Materials of Science and Technology