应用模糊逻辑建模与辨识的方法建立了微下击暴流模型 ,利用此模型对 A30 0飞机进场着陆时穿越微下击暴流进行了模拟 ,分析了低空风切变模型中高度因素的影响 ,说明了二维模型比一维模型更为优越。结果表明 ,提出的建模方法能够更好地反映出飞机穿越微下击暴流的动态特性。通过分析初始高度对飞机穿越微下击暴流动态性能的影响 ,得出了一些重要的结论 。
A downburst is modeled using a technique of fuzzy logic method, the influence of high on an A300 aircraft during powered approach is analyzed, and two different dimensional models are compared. The results show that the fuzzy logic model can display the dynamic qualities of the airplane well. Some important conclusion was made by analyzing the influence of initial high on the plane. The physical qualities of low altitude windshear can be further comprehended.
Flight Dynamics