根据中学生阅读心理、学语文的根本任务、语言文字与文学的关系 ,文学教育应是阅读教学的主体。文学教育要克服“坐实”理解等积弊 ,须认识到文学是生活的审美反映和文学言语模糊性多义性特点 ,重视感悟和涵泳等方法 。
Literature education should be the principal part of reading teaching according to middle school students' reading psucholkgu,the basic assignment of learning chinese and the relation between language and literature We must surtmount the iinvetate defects in literature education,alike comprehensiln without real understsnding.We should also realize literature is the aesthetic reflection of life,and that the character that literature language is indistinct and not single in word meaning.And We must put more attention to the importance of the methods of appreciating and responding to literature,so that creative education is caried out effectinely.
Journal of Chongqing Teachers College