本文建立了元素性中毒的快速诊断系统的方法。该系统将端视ICP-AES技术用于卫生分析,能在10min以内快速 诊断30多种元素且准确的定量分析。方法具有简便,高灵敏,准确的优点。用于国家标准物质 GBW08571,GSBZ5009-88, 人工合成样品及实际样品的分析,均获得满意的结果,此方法未见国内外文献报导。
A rapid diagnostic system of poisonous established. The system has been applied the axial - view ICP - AES to hygienic analysis. This method can be rapidly diagnose above thirty kinds of elements within ten minutes and accurate quantitative analysis. It is of simple, higt sensitivity, accuracy. The system is applied to the analysis of national standard material of GBW08571、GSBZ5009 -88、synthetic and practical sample with satisfactory results. This diagnositic system is no report in reference literatures worldwide so far.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology