目的 研究鸡舌咽神经传入纤维在中枢的分布。方法 选用10只健康来杭鸡,分离暴露舌咽神经干,在岩神经节处注射4 μl CB-HRP,动物存活约35小时,灌注固定,取延髓作冰冻连续切片,FMB法呈色,光镜下观察。结果 鸡舌咽神经传入纤维主要投射到注射侧孤束核闩前部的前中部,部分投射到三叉神经脊束与三叉神经脊束核、楔外侧核及第1、2颈髓脊侧角的背外侧。结论 鸡孤束核闩后部及闩前部的后部仅接受迷走神经传入投射,闩前部的前部同时接受迷走神经和舌咽神经的传入投射。
Objective To study the central projections of the glossopharyneal nerve in the chicken. Methods The central projections of the afferent fibers of the glossopharyngeal nerve in the chicken were studied by CB-HRP histochemistry. Results The labelled terminals of the glos-sopharyngeal afferent fibers were found mainly in the ipsilateral NTS (the nucleus of the solitary tract) which extended approximately 1.00 mm-2. 60 mm rostral to the obex, some labelled terminals were also seen in ITTD) (the spinal tract of V), and NTTD (the spinal nucleus of V), and the dorsolateral aspect of the dorsal horn of C1-C2 segments. No labelled terminals appeared in the posterior part of the ipsilateral NTS. which was from 1.00 mm rostral to the obex to the level of the caudal tip and the contralateral NTS. No decussation of fibers was present. The labelled terminals in NTTD were very apparent. Conclusion The posterior part of NTS and posterior part of rostral to the obex NTS accept only projections of the afferent fibers of vagus nerve, anterior part of rostral to the obex accepts projections of the afferent fibers of vagus nerve and glossopharyneal nerve.
Glossoopharyngeal nerve
Afferent fibers