本文用酶联免疫法测定正常对照、慢性前列腺炎及输精管结扎者 (VSM )精浆中TNF α和EGF含量。结果发现精浆EGF浓度在VSM组、正常对照组及慢性前列腺炎组中呈递增趋势 (1188.77± 10 8.89pg/ml,12 0 7.2 5± 12 5 .5 3pg/ml,12 2 9.2 5± 73.88pg/ml) ,但无统计学意义。精浆中TNF α浓度在VSM组和正常对照组(6 .2 3± 2 .75 pg/ml,6 .87± 2 .5 7pg/ml)明显低于慢性前列腺炎组 (17.31± 8.0 8pg/ml)。提示对精浆中TNF
The concentrations of TNF?α and EGF were measured by ELISA in three groups:vasectomy group,normal group and chronic prostatitis group.EGF levels in seminal plasma increased bit by bit in VSM group,normal control and chronic porstatitis group,(1 188.77±108.89 pg/ml,1 207.25±125.53 pg/ml, 1 229.25±73.88 pg/ml,respectively),but there were no statistical significance between any two groups.TNF?α level were much lower in VSM group and normal control group than in prostatitis group (6.23±2.75 pg/ml,6.87±2.57 pg/ml,17.31±8.08 pg/ml,respectively).It showed that TNF?α concentrations in semen may be the marker of chronic prostatitis.
Chinese Journal of Andrology