
无血清法培养新生和成年雪旺细胞 被引量:5

Establishment of Schwann cell culture with a serum-free medium at rats of newborn and adult age
摘要 目的 探索应用“M”无血清培养液培养新生和成年鼠雪旺细胞的可行性。方法 取新生(出生 1~ 3d)和成年 (3~ 4个月 )Lewis鼠的坐骨神经 ,分别经差速贴壁法和 3周体外变性法获取雪旺细胞 ,然后采用“M”无血清培养液培养 1周。用S 10 0和 5 溴化鸟嘧啶 (BrdU)免疫组化法分别鉴定雪旺细胞的纯度和增殖率。结果 新生和成年鼠雪旺细胞培养后 1周 ,其纯度分别达 95 %和 93% ,增殖率分别达 73.8%和 38.3%。大多数污染的成纤维细胞处于DNA合成静止期。结论 应用“M”无血清培养液简化了雪旺细胞的培养技术 ,有效地控制了成纤维细胞的污染。 Objective To explore the possibility of establishment of newborn and adult rat Schwann cell culture with “M” serum free medium. Methods Newborn (aged 1 ~ 3 days) and adult ( aged 3 ~ 4 months) Lewis rat sciatic nerves were harvested and Schwann cells were obtained after a differential adhesion and a three week in vitro Wallerian degeneration, respectively. Schwann cells were then incubated with the “M” serum free medium for one week. The rates of purity and proliferation of cultured Schwann cells were assessed by S 100 and 5 bromo 2 deoxyuridine (BrdU) immunostaining. Results After one week of Schwann cell culture, the purity and the proliferation rates of newborn Schwann cells were 95 % and 73.8 %, and those of adult Schwann cells were 93 % and 38.3 %, respectively. Moreover, the DNA syntheses of most of contaminated fibroblasts were interrupted. Conclusions With the application of the “M” serum free medium, the technique of Schwann cell culture was simplified and the contamination of fibroblasts was effectively controlled.
出处 《中华手外科杂志》 CSCD 2001年第B06期54-55,共2页 Chinese Journal of Hand Surgery
基金 德中-中德医学友好协会 德国汉诺威医学院友好协会联合资助项目
关键词 许旺氏细胞 细胞培养 成纤维细胞 无血清培养液 Schwann cells Cell culture Fibroblasts Serum free medium
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