
碱性成纤维细胞生长因子促进周围神经侧枝生长的实验研究 被引量:7

The promotion of peripheral nerve collateral generation by bFGF :an experimental study
摘要 目的 探讨碱性成纤维细胞生长因子 (basicfibroblastgrowthfactor,bFGF)对神经端侧吻合侧枝生长的影响。方法 Wistar大白鼠 2 6只 ,分实验组和对照组 ,每组 13只。实验组 :切断右侧腓总神经 ,神经近端反转结扎 ,远端与胫神经外膜开窗处行端侧吻合。术后于右小腿外侧肌肉注射用生理盐水稀释的bFGF 2 0 μ-1·d-1,共用 2周 ;左侧为正常对照组。对照组 :术后注射等量的生理盐水。术后 3个月 ,行双侧腓总神经、胫前肌组织学检查、胫前肌肌湿重测定及运动终板检查。结果 实验组及对照组的腓总神经均有一定程度的再神经化。实验组再生神经纤维数目、肌湿重、肌纤维截面积、运动终板的面积及着色均明显优于对照组。 Objective To study the enhancement of peripheral nerve collateral generation by basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) after end to side coaptation. Methods 26 Wistar rats were divided into experimental and control group, with 13 in each. In the experimental group, peroneal nerve was transected on the right side with the proximal end ligated backwardly and the distal end sutured to the side of tibial nerve with perineurial window in an end to side way. The left side served as control group. 20 U -1 ·d -1 bFGF and normal saline was injected in the muscle of lateral aspect of the leg for two weeks in experimental group and control group respectively. 3 months after operation, the peroneal nerve and histologic exmination of the anterior tibial muscle, the wet muscle weight and motor end plate were examined. Results Regeneraion peroneal nerve occurred in both groups. Significant difference was found between two groups in the number of regenerated nerve fiber, wet muscle weight, muscle fiber cross sectional area ,area and color of motor end plate. Conclusions bFGF can promote peripheral nerve collateral generation after end to side coaptation.
出处 《中华手外科杂志》 CSCD 2001年第B06期59-61,共3页 Chinese Journal of Hand Surgery
关键词 成纤维细胞因子 神经生物学 动物实验 端侧吻合 Fibroblast growth factor,Basic Neurobiology Animals,Laboratory End to side coaption
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