股后肌群损伤常见于跑、跳等项目 ,其中以短跑和跨栏发生率较高 ,占肌肉损伤的第一位 .所以研究短跑运动员股后肌群损伤原因及预防方法 ,可以在教学训练中掌握主动权 ,减少损伤发生率 ,保证运动员的正常训练 。
Running, jumping and other items of sports often lead to the injury to muscular cluster of back haunch, especially in such an item as sprint or hurdle, which has made up the first in flesh wound. So, studying the cause of the injury to muscular cluster of back haunch and the ways of prevention may enable us to have the initiative, to reduce the arising rate of injury, to ensure the normal training of athletes, and to create the excellent sports results.
Journal of Gansu Education College(Natural Science Edition)