快攻战术是我国排球多年来形成的一大特点 ,为了更好地继承和发扬这一传统 ,应当充分利用一切有利于快攻的因素 ,而单脚起跳就是一种有利的因素 .通过对单脚起跳扣快球的动作特点的分析 ,发现单脚起跳快攻有许多独特的长处 .所以 ,充实和发展单脚起跳快攻更符合我国的实际情况 ,尤其是单脚起跳后排快攻 ,目前国内外还没有运用 ,应当以此充实我国的快攻体系 .
Quick attack strategy has become the traditional character of volleyball in China. Monofoot take off is one of the skills used in the strategy to spike fastball. Analysing the movements of monofoot take off, we find the skill is very effective one for quick attack. Therefore replenishing and developing the monofoot take off skill, esp. in back line quick attack, tally with the situation of volleyball in China.
Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Natural Science Edition)