处理侵犯商业秘密案件的前提条件和核心问题是对商业秘密的认定。许多情况下 ,对于某种商业秘密特别是技术信息的实用性和有价性必须通过专家评估鉴定予以确认 ,对它的评估鉴定可以参照科学技术成果鉴定办法和无形资产评估办法进行。依法做出的、科学的、具有权威性的鉴定结论不仅对于认定商业秘密具有决定性作用 ,而且对于区分罪与非罪、确定损害赔偿范围等都有着重要意义。侵犯商业秘密是一种特殊的侵权行为 ,既可以由故意构成 ,也可以由过失构成 ;在过失的条件下 ,即使不构成犯罪也无正当性可言。中国对商业秘密的保护与TRIPs协议等规定的国际标准基本一致。
Investigation of possible infringement of commercial secrets presupposes their clear-cut definition. As is often the case, commercial secrets have to be precisely defined and evaluated by specialists in terms of their practical value. The evaluation of commercial secrets may be conducted with reference to technological achievements or invisible assets. A scientific and authoritative appraisal on a legal basis not only defines commercial secrets, but also helps distinguish conviction from non-conviction as well as determines the degree of compensation. The protection of commercial secrets in China is in general agreement with TRIPs.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)