本研究运用统计分析方法,对影响不发达地区教师教学水平的因素进行了研究。研究发 现:教师们认为影响教学水平提高的因素可分为五个方面:1、教师自身素质;2、教师的心 理环境;3、教学条件状况;4、学生环境;5、教师的地位问题。这对我们采取措施提高教师 的教学水平,提供了依据。
This paper makes research on improving the teaching skills of teachers in underde-veloped regions using statistical analyse method.Studies indicate that the factors influence teaching skills are far more than we expected,which can be summed up as follows:1.The quality of the teacher,2.The mental state of the teacher,3.Teaching condition,4.The circumstances of the stu-dents,5.Problems of teachers'social stage.The study discloses the background for us to improve teacher's skills.
Journal of Anhui Radio & TV University