孙中山在《实业计划》中提出了完整的工业现代化方案 ,这表现在钢铁、水泥、造船、车辆制造、农器制造、食品、衣服、居室、印刷、矿业等方面 ;至于其特点 ,其一是进口替代 ,其二是反对贸易保守主义 ,力主引进外资 ,以博大的胸怀面对世界。
In his book the International Development China , Sun Yat-sen clearly put forward a industrial modernization program as to iron and steel, concrete, ship building, vehicle manufacturing, food, clothing, housing, printing as well as mining industry. As far as its features are concerned, for one thing, it is import-substitution; for another, it is against trade conservatism, standing for introduction of foreign capital, and facing the world with an open heart.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University