资源共享不仅可以通过计算机网络实现 ,在计算机应用尚未普及的条件下 ,也可以积极实行地区性文献资源共享。其方法是 ,建立一个具有权威性的协调中心 ,合理分配大部分图书和珍贵文献的采置任务 ,统一编目准则 ,扩大读者直接借阅的权利。在实施中 ,要重点保证特殊文献的利用率 ,贯彻协作精神、节约原则和服务读者的原则 ,目的是解决经费与图书购置的矛盾。
Resource-sharing can be realized through computer network and through regional literature where computers are not available. An authoritative coordinating center can be set up to allocating books and precious literature, to unify rules of category and to granting readers more borrowing scopes. It is important to ensure the circulation of special literature to solve the problem of fewer funds for more purchases.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University