在世界上 ,不论是英美法系的国家 ,抑或大陆法系国家 ,都已建立起刑事强制措施的司法审查。我国刑事诉讼中的强制措施决定权是由公安机关 (包括安全机关 )、检察机关行使 ,这不论从法理上还是在诉讼实践中都缺乏合理性和正当性。借鉴两大法系主要国家关于强制措施司法审查的规定 ,并从我国司法实践出发 。
In the world the countries whether in the Anglo-American Law System or in the Continental Law System have constructed judicial review of criminal compulsory measure, our criminal right of disposing compulsory measure is owned by Public Security or Prosecution Organizations. It lacks ration and legal validity whether from law principle or from judicial prate. From the judicial review of the criminal compulsory measure of the two major law systems and judicial practice of our own, the author thinks constructing judicial review of our criminal compulsory measure is the question that can't be escaped in our criminal judicature reform. [
Journal of Anhui Electric Power College for Staff