通过采用廉价的ICL7107型单片3 1/2位A/D转换器,用铂(或铜)热电阻作为温度传感器,通过非线性校正研制的高精度数显温控仪实现测温、设定、控温功能。分析了该仪器的工作原理,计算了仪器的测量误差。
Through using the cheap 3 1/2 bit A/D adepter of the ICL7107- type single chip and platina (or copper) heat resistor as the temperature sensor, the high- precise digital display temperature control instrument which is developed by the non- linear correction can implement the functions to test, set and control the temperature. This paper analyzes its operation and calculates its measuring tolerance.
Journal of Jinan Communications College