文章简要叙述了铁路工务部件新型钢轨急救保护器的研制过程 ,以及设计思想、计算方法和实验手段。钢轨急救保护器这样一件工务产品在铁道部制定的《铁路线路维修规则》、《铁路线路大修规则》中 ,被明确规定作为线路上的急救、维修设备 ,要每公里配备一套。然而多年以来 ,我国铁路线上还没有一种规范化、标准化、系列化的产品投入使用 ,在抢修过程中的运行速度也基本上是在 5km·h-1以下。基于这种状况 ,为使该产品定型、定位、定标 ,通过结构设计、力学计算、有限元计算及模拟设计 ,以及材料试验机结构疲劳实验 ,使该产品有了可靠的理论和实践依据。在铁路钢轨断裂、裂纹事故的处理上为目前具有最强锁紧力的产品 ,在无缝线路的焊缝保护上体现了设计上的新理念 ,即加装拱形夹板时不再在钢轨上钻孔 。
The article briefly introduces research and development process of the new type rail break down emergent protector, its design concepts, calculating method and experiment measures. In railway line maintenance criteria and rail track capital repair criteria, rail emergency protector is defined as an emergent restoring and maintenance device, and each kilometer must be equipped with one set. However, for many years, no standardized and serialized products have been put into use. And their running speed limit is below 5 km·h -1 . Therefore, in order to standardize the product it goes through structure design, mechanics calculation, finite calculation and fatigue test of the material and its structure. The product has a reliable theoretical and practical basis. In treatment of broken rail and rail crack accidents, the present product can provide the strongest fastening force. Moreover, it shows updated concept of installing arch shaped clamps that need not drill through the rail, which eliminates potential troubles due to the drill on rail onle and for all.
China Railway Science