研究了钢轨和轮箍间的减摩材料——固体合成润滑块及其减摩性能 .试验结果表明 :固体合成润滑块与 32 #轴油相比较 ,具有摩擦系数小、磨损率低、磨损量小、磨痕深度浅、粗糙度低、磨粒尺寸小等优点 ,而且强度高、极限负荷大 ,是延长钢轨和轮箍寿命 ,提高机械效率 ,节约能源的一种良好润滑材料 .
The anti-friction material which deals with the solid lubrication block and its properties between the steel rail and wheel band has been investigated. The results show that as compared with No3 shart oil, the tested solid lubrication block has many merits, such as lower friction coefficient and wear rate, smaller wear volume and grindings, shallower wear trace depth and lower roughness. Meanwhile, the tested block exhibits a good lubrication material possessing high strength and limited load which can prolong the life of both steel rail and wheel band, enhance mechanical efficiency and save energy.