从化学动力学及热力学、流体动力学和弥散动力学角度 ,建立了接近实际地质条件的古风化壳储层岩溶斜坡地质模型和数学模型 ,在计算机上对模型的承压流、潜流模式流体 -岩石系统进行了动力学模拟研究 ,得出岩溶斜坡剖面上孔隙发育带和孔隙充填带的有利区和古风化壳储层孔隙演化分布规律 。
In this paper, the authors synthetically use the chemical kinetics and thermodynamics, hydrodynamics , and theories to establish the geological models and mathematical coupling dynamical model of the fluid rock system of the fossil karst reservior. Based on the factual geological conditions, the authors divide the current systems into two models on the profile, namely, the underwater current model and the bearing current model. At the same time, the authors discuss the boundary conditions and initial conditions of different current systems. And then, based on the factual geological profile data, the authors do the modeling researches on the fluid rock system of the underwater current model and bearing current model from dynamics by a computer . As the result of modeling, the authors obtain the distribution of pores and advantageous areas of pore developing zone or pore filling zone on the section of the fossil karst reservoir. At last, contrasting the results of modeling on the factual drilling profile, the authors obtain the trapping model and advantageous positions of the lithologic traps or diagenetic traps in the north of Ordos Basin, China.
Journal of Chengdu University of Technology