湿地与湿地生态旅游日益受到重视。盐城湿地是西太平洋亚洲大陆边缘最大的海岸型湿地 ,它具有科学价值 ,生态环境价值和审美价值。盐城湿地是祥和的众生园 ,丹顶鹤的天堂 ,麋麂的故乡 ,应作为盐城旅游的主打产品。本文对湿地生态旅游规划基本问题作了阐述。对规划的理念、主题形象 ,分区与隔离带 ,游客中心 ,游息区内“露天生态馆”风格 ,发展生态产业以及举办湿地生态旅游节 。
The wetland and its ecological tourism will interest people day by day.The Yancheng wetland is the biggest wetland in Asian continent margin of west Pacific Ocean,which is important in science and ecological environment.It attracts many visitors to the place for it is a peace land for animals, a paradise for red-crowned crane and a hometown for David's deer.In the paper, the programme of developing wetland ecological tourism is suggested.
Volcanology & Mineral Resources