为了查明格尔木河淡水与达布逊湖卤水中一些特征微量元素浓度变化特征 ,于 1999年 8月对格尔木河流域进行了系统考察 ,同时以对格尔木市工农业生产及居民生活有重要影响的格尔木河为主线 ,从中下游至达布逊湖段对河水取样做了B、Li、Rb、Sr、Pb、Cd、Zn、Co、Ni、Cu、Fe、Mn等元素的含量变化分析。根据前人的研究资料及此次的分析结果 ,格尔木河水中微量元素组成具有富B、Li、Pb、Cd而贫Zn、Fe的特征 ;河水在流经格尔木市后大多微量元素含量显著增高 ,且在洪冲积扇区东河段形成一局部异常带 ;B、Li在该区作为资源性元素 ,具特征的线性正相关关系 ,其比值在同一类型的水体介质中变化不大 ,但不同类型的水体 (淡、咸水 )比值差别较大 ,相比之下 ,Li更趋向于在迁移终点 (盐湖 )富集。鉴于B、Li资源的相关共存性 ,建议在开采贵金属Li资源的同时 。
The content of trace elements,as a kind of effective tracer,is widely used in the field of resource and environment scientific research.Based on much information from field survey and analytical datum in laboratory in 1999,the paper issued carefully on the changeable character of some special trace elements in Golmud River water from the middle part to the end of Dabsun Salt Lake.The research result demonstrated that there is higher content of B,Li,Pb,Cd but lower amount of Zn and Fe element in river water.The content of B and Li,as special resourceful element in the field of Golmud River watershed,has a characteristic positive correlation.Its ratio ρ (B)/ ρ (Li) value changes greatly with different natural water but has relative stable value in same property water.Due to its particular significance of indication ,it can be used as a kind of index to study the exchangeable relation in different natural waters.By contrast,Li element is more inclined to concentrate in the end region of the migration(Salt Lakes).
Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology
中国科学院特别支持项目 (ZKHZ - 0 4)