T优 78 89是福建省优质杂交早稻重点推广组合 .本研究采用裂区设计 ,研究 4种不同施肥方法、4种不同插植密度 ,以及 5种不同基本苗手插与抛秧移栽方式对该组合产量的影响 .结果表明 ,T优 7889施肥总量以基肥 60 %、蘖肥 2 0 %、穗肥 10 %、粒肥 10 % ,以及插植规格以 2 0 .0 cm× 2 0 .0 cm产量最高 ,产量达 752 2 .5kg·hm-2 ;在每公顷 75万基本苗相同条件下 ,抛秧比手插秧增产 6.4 % .
T You 7889 is an outstanding combination for extension of high quality early hybrid rice in Fujian. This experiment arranged in a split plot design was conducted to study the effects of nitrogen distribution, planting density and transplanting methods on the yield performance of T You 7889 in early season. The result showed that the grain yield of T You 7889 was the highest (7 522.5 kg·hm -2 ) under the planting space of 20.0 cm×20.0 cm with the nitrogen distribution of 60% at basal, 20% at tillering, 10% at booting and 10% at heading. The application of throwing transplanting resulted in an increase in grain yield by 6.4% as compared with handing transplanting under the same conditions of basic seedlings (750×10 3 seedlings per hm 2).
Journal of Fujian Agricultural University
福建省科技厅资助项目! (2 0 0 0 Z0 2 5 )