
瑞士马铃薯晚疫病监测及决策支持系统PhytoPRE + 2000在网络上的实现(英文) 被引量:2

Monitoring of potato late blight in Switzerland and development of PhytoPRE+2000, an internet based decision support system
摘要 1990年以来 ,瑞士在全国范围内保留了一些不经防治的马铃薯田并设立了晚疫病监测网。商品生产基地马铃薯晚疫病的首次侵染信息被用来指导防治区域性病害。近 12年期间 ,有 10年晚疫病始发于 5月份 ,其中 9年是由保护地扩散到大田的。从 2 0 0 1年起 ,农民们能够在网络上得到PhytoPRE +2 0 0 0决策支持系统的服务。系统的核心是国家范围晚疫病发生的实际状态、过去及未来的天气预报资料。用晚疫病菌侵染和产孢所需的关键性气象条件 (MISP)来衡量未来天气状况的满足程度。自 1996年至 2 0 0 0年 ,MISP模型被用来指导田间晚疫病的防治。与PhytoPRE +95相比 ,在多雨年份防治次数未能减少 ,但是在干旱年份能节省 40 %以上的药剂使用。在田间试验当中 ,MISP模型在指导首次用药方面与PhytoPRE +95不相上下 ,在连续用药方面优于其它决策支持系统。在 1999年和 2 0 0 0年 ,MISP模型被整合到PhytoPRE +2 0 0 0决策支持系统。为了使信息快速传递 ,采用了网络技术。PhytoPRE+2 0 0 0是一个针对特定区域和特定地块并集建议、信息和预警为一体的决策支持系统。每日的实际病害发生图以及通过MISP预测的晚疫病发生预警图能够通过网络显示给瑞士所有马铃薯种植户。 Since 1990 late blight (LB) epidemics are monitored in Switzerland with a LB observation network of untreated potato plots. In addition, information about the first disease observations in the commercial potato production has been collected and used for local and regional warnings. In 10 out of 12 years the epidemic started already in May. In 9 out of 12 years the first LB attacks were found in early, previously covered potatoes. From 2001, Swiss potato growers will be supported by an Internet based version of the LB decision support system (DSS) PhytoPRE+2000. Core parameters of this DSS are the actual state of the national LB situation and historical and forecasted weather data. The weather data are used to recognise main infection and sporulation periods (MISP) of Phytophthora infestans . From 1996 to 2000, the MISP model was used in field trials as a trigger of LB fungicide applications. Compared to PhytoPRE+95 no reduction in fungicide treatments could be realised in wet years, but up to 40% in rather dry years. In field trials the MISP triggered LB control was as good as in PhytoPRE+95 or at least as good as those of other DSSs tested in Swiss field trials. In 1999 and 2000, the MISP model was embedded in the new DSS PhytoPRE+2000. To assure an efficient information exchange an Internet solution was selected. PhytoPRE+2000 is a DSS for local and field specific LB recommendations and a comprehensive LB information and warn system. Daily actualised disease maps and MISP graphs can be accessed on the Internet and illustrate the LB risk situation for all Swiss potato growing areas. The structure of PhytoPRE+2000 was determined in a close cooperation with the Swiss potato growers association and the cantonal plant protection services.
出处 《河北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期38-43,共6页 Journal of Hebei Agricultural University
关键词 马铃薯晚疫苗 疫霉 决策支持系统 瑞士 网络技术 Phytophthora infestans decision support system plant disease epidemics
  • 相关文献


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