森林地被可燃物是引起森林火灾的重要原因 ,掌握森林地被可燃物的载量分布 ,对森林火灾的预防有着十分重要的意义。通过对辽东地区不同森林类型的调查 ,搞清楚了一些常见的主要林型地被可燃物平均载量情况 ,同时对油松人工纯林、落叶松人工纯林和天然阔叶杂木林 3个具有代表性的林型 ,按不同林分密度、林龄、坡向和坡位等因素 ,进行地被可燃物载量分布状况调查 ,结果表明 ,辽东中、北部地区载量大于辽东南部地区 ;林分密度和林龄愈大 ,则载量愈高 ;南坡载量大于北坡 ,北坡最小 ;坡位愈高 。
Bearing capacity of forest fuel is very important for forest fire control.In this paper,the distribution of forest fuel in most of the common forest type was surveyed.Three typical forest types including plantation of Pinus tabulaeforimis,plantation of Larix kaempferi,and secondary natural forest were study systematically.Results show that average amount of forest fuel in north and midde of the region is bigger than that in the south part.Also,the higher the density and age are,the stronger bearing capacity the forest stand has.And forests in southern slope has a larger bearing capacity than that of northern slope,and it decrease while the site position becomes higher.
Liaoning Forestry Science and Technology