以云南松、直干桉、直干桉—黑荆三种人工林群落对象 ,对不同植物群落结构与土壤侵蚀的关系进行了研究。结果表明 :在三种人工林群落中 ,直干桉—黑荆混交林群落和云南松植物群落具有较强的控制径流和土壤侵蚀的能力 ,直干桉人工林群落控制能力较差。在相同坡度和降雨条件下 ,有机质含量、乔木层盖度 ,树冠截留量 ,建群种平均材积 ,枯落物凋落量、水稳性团粒百分比等因子数值大 ,土壤侵蚀量小。乔木树种的生物学特征特性也有差异。
Pinus yunnanesis community, Eucalyptus maidensii Acacian.mearsnii community, Eucalyptus maidesii community were used as the researching material of relationship between structure and soil erosion of different manmade forest communities based on the techniques of standard runoff plot and outdoor investigation. The results indicated that arbor layer dominance and soil organic matter content of the soil in different ecosystem were most tightlly related to the control of soil erosion with correlation coefficient,0.96,0.97, and the sequence of other structural factors second to the two factors was:canopy interception, timber volume of edificator, litter, percentage of stable water aggregate, ratio of Si/V, stemflow listed according to correlation coefficient from great to small value. E.maidensii A.meamsu mixed community showed better capacities of soil erosion control for the superiority of the community structures to other three communities. A.mearsii and P.yunnasensis grew the best hydrological ecological effect respectively for interception rate and stemflow.
Research of Soil and Water Conservation
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