目的 利用组织工程学原理和方法新生骨组织 ,为骨组织工程选择适宜的细胞来源与细胞载体。 方法 将兔骨髓基质细胞 (bonemarrowstromalcell,BMSc)进行体外培养 ,通过形态学观察和组织化学检测 ,分为生物活性玻璃陶瓷 (bioactiveglassceramic ,BGC)复合细胞组和单纯细胞组 ,进行细胞增殖、碱性磷酸酶检测。将两者复合后植入兔自体肌袋内 ,分单纯材料接种组和复合材料接种组 ,于不同时间取材 ,HE染色 ,观察其成骨过程。 结果 骨髓基质细胞在体外培养时表现出与成骨细胞相似的形态学与功能表现 ,BGC利于细胞的生长繁殖 ,对细胞的功能表现无明显影响。BMSc与BGC复合植入体内可产生成熟骨组织。 结论 利用BGC与BMSc复合可产生组织工程化新生骨组织。
Objective To study the biocompatibility of bioactive gl as s ceramic (BGC) materials with bone marrow stromal cell (BMSc) and the osteogeni c capability of BMSc using tissue-engineering methods. Methods The osteogenic potential in vitro of cultured BMSc in a conditional medium was examined by histochemistry stains technique. The BMSc was cultured in combination with BGC. The attaching and extending speed of the c ells to the materials, the proliferation and alkaline pho sphatase activity were tested. Then the composite was implanted into the skeleta l muscle beds in rabbits. All implants were examined by gross observation and hi stological examination. Results The BMSc showed a similar property to those of o steoblasts. BMSc can attach to and extend on BGC materials. No inhibition to cel luar proliferation and ALP activity were observed by the materials. New bone can be observed in the composites of the BMSc and BGC materials. Conclusions BMSc may provide a rich cellular resource in ti ssue-engineered bone formation. New bone tissue can be formed by tissue enginee ring methods.
Chinese Journal of Trauma
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 (973项目
G19990 5 43 9)
广东省自然科学基金资助项目 (990 414 )