本文详细地介绍了近年来两种比较成功的用无电极的方法测量睡眠时的生理信号的方法 ,静电荷灵敏床垫 (SCSB)和充气式微动灵敏床垫 (MMSM)的测量原理。SCSB的是一种由两个金属极板和活性层形成的电容式床垫 ,人体的微小动作可以引起SCSB床垫产生形变 ,从而导致活性层中电荷分布的变化 ,这些静电荷的分布变化可以引起两个金属板间电压的改变 ,记录两端的电压变化可以反映Ballistocardiogram (BCG)、呼吸等信号 ;MMSM是一种充气床垫 ,整个床垫分为四个独立的气袋 ,分别感受人体头部、胸部、腹部、和下肢的动作 ,人体的微弱动作信号 (心跳、呼吸 )可以引起气袋中压力的变化 ,利用压力传感器记录该部位的脉搏和呼吸信号。最后讨论了用后一种方法分析睡眠结构的可能性和应用前景。
This paper describes two methods of measuring body's physiological parameters during sleeping without any attachment or electrode-Static-Charge-sensitive Bed (SCSB) and Micro-Movement-Sensitive Mattress (MMSM). SCSB comprises two metal films separated by insulators and an active layer, the body's micro-movement can make the active layer deformation, which can change the distribution of active layer's static charge, and lead to the change of voltage between the two metal films. So we can get the body's ballistocardiogram (BCG) and Respiration through measuring voltage of the two metal films. MMSM is a mattress filled with gas, and it is divided into four parts - corresponding to the area of head, breast, adbomen and legs. The body's movement can change the pressure of corresponding air-bag. We obtain the signals of BCG and respiration movements through pressure sensor. In the end, we discuss the possibility of analyzing the structure of sleep using MMSM.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering