本文提出的新型双道血流图可用于检测两道独立的心、脑、肢体等阻抗血流数据并给出分析报告 ,可对心、脑、肺、肝、肾及肢体等器官进行血流图分析 ,打印相应的报告。临床试验表明 ,该仪器在心功能健康普查 ,心脑血管疾病的辅助诊断方面能给出较为客观、可比性好的评价指标。可报告特征点数值 ,因此还可用于临床研究。
The clinical significance of Impedance rheogram has been verified in examining cardiac function,diagnosing diseases of circulation systems.The paper presents a new 2-channel impedance rheography It uses a common constant current source which supplies current to the two channels in turn by rapid exchange.This prevents from confusion and interferes between two current sources,and constructs a real two-channel rheography.The rheography can output two parameters of impedance and admittance.This is convenicet for doctor to select use two parameters according to different application requests or to compare between the two parameters.In the analyzing of rheogram waveform the rheography also includes more formulas to calculate rheogram parameters and can analyze rheogram of heart,brain,lung,liver,kidney and limbs and so on,print relative reports.In addition,the rheography has the capability to extend its function of analyzing and case management.
Medical Equipment