研究白介素 10 (IL- 10 )在大白鼠心脏移植排斥反应中心脏局部的表达变化情况 ,并探讨其参与排斥反应的可能机制。分五组 :A组 (对照组 )、 B组 (供体特异性全血输注组 )、 C组 (Anti- IL- 2 Mab组 )、 D组 (Anti- IL- 4Mab组 )、E组 (Anti- IL- 2 Mab+Cs A组 )处理受体 ,将大鼠移植心移植到受体的颈部 ,观察移植心存活时间、动态病理变化。并于移植术后第 1d、第 3d、第 5 d、第 7d、第 9d、第 11d、第 14d分别取移植心置于液氮中待测。应用半定量的 RT- PCR法动态检测移植心 IL- 10的表达情况。结果表明 :各组移植心存活时间分别为 (8.3± 1.7) d、 (2 9.2±7.1) d、 (2 6 .4± 5 .7) d、 (10 .2± 1.9) d、 (5 5 .0± 10 .6 ) d。其中 B组、 C组对 A组差异有显著意义 ,E组对 A组及 C组分别有极显著意义和显著意义。 IL- 10在 B组、 C组及 E组均有较强的表达 ,在 A组及 D组表达微弱 ,并与移植物的存活时间密切相关。结果提示 :IL- 10参与调节移植排斥反应 ,其表达水平与移植物存活时间正相关 ,机制可能为 Th类细胞因子的免疫偏离。应用 TH1类细胞因子单克隆抗体并联用免疫抑制剂可以有效的抑制移植排斥反应 。
The expression and changes of interleukin 10 (IL 10) in the grafts of the rats with acute rejection of heart transplantation were studied and the role of IL 10 in the acute rejection of heart transplantation in rats investigated. Allografts were divided into 5 groups: group A (control, n =12), group B (DST treated, n =12), group C (IL 2 Mab treated, n =12), group D (IL 4 Mab treated, n =12), group E (IL 2 Mab treated, n =12). Hearts from DA rats were transplanted into a cervical location in Wistar recipients and the survival time of the allografts and dynamically pathological changes were observed. The local expression of IL 10 was detected at day 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14 by reverse transcripition polymerase chain reaction (RT PCR) respectively. Results showed the survival time of the allografts was 8 3±1 7 days, 29 2±7 1 days ( P <0 05), 26 4±5 7 days ( P <0 05), 10 2±1 9 days, 55 0±10 6 days ( P <0 01) in the groups A, B, C, D and E respectively. The levels of IL 10 expression were up regulated in the groups B, C and E, especially in group E. The up regulation of IL 10 was closely correlated with the survival of the grafts. It was concluded that IL 10 might play an important role in the development of acute transplantation rejection, suggesting that Th 2 type deviation may contribute to the prolongation of grafts survival.
Acta Universitatis Medicinae Tongji